epub |eng | | Author:Alison Matthews & Laurence Matthews

332 饭 fàn meal Radical 饣 7 strokes 飯 food 饣 (288a) + oppose 反 (331) = meal 饭 Used to mean “cooked rice”, or more generally, “a meal”. 午饭 ...
( Category: Calligraphy June 27,2014 )
epub |eng | | Author:Philip Yungkin Lee

CHARACTER 140 星 xīng star Radical: 日 # 90 “sun” Compounds, sentences, and meanings 1. 星 xīng star 今晚 月 明 星 稀。 Jīnwǎn yuè míng xīng xī. The moon ...
( Category: Calligraphy May 30,2014 )